Georgian Bay Zone
Trillium Hunter Jumper Association
Come and celebrate the 2022 Show Season
Georgian Bay Zone Banquet
Coming October 15th 2022
This award is presented to the junior rider with the highest accumulated points in any one division. The rider receives a $200 Bursary from the Georgian Bay Zone towards their trainer of choice. Riders may not win this award more than once within a 3 year period.
2021 Winner: Abbigail Ottewell
This award is presented to the amateur rider with the highest accumulated points in any one division. The rider receives a $200 Bursary from the Georgian Bay Zone towards their trainer of choice. Riders may not win this award more than once within a 3 year period.
2021 Winner: Devan Haasnoot
Awarded to the junior rider with the highest numbers of points combined in A, B, or C equitation on the flat and over fences. Riders may not win this award more than once within a 2 year period.
2021 Winner: Grace Haggan
Trainer of the Year is awarded to the trainer receiving the highest number of votes from THJA-GBZ members. All THJA members may now vote for this category, however, votes must be cast for a trainer OTHER than your own within the Georgian Bay Zone. This award is to recognize a knowledgeable, talented trainer who demonstrates a high level of sportsmanship not only to their students, but those around them and demonstrated the attributes the zone wishes to see exhibited in a trainer. To be eligible for the award, trainers must be listed with the Georgian Bay Zone.
2021 Winner: All GBZ trainers for their dedication and commitment to the zone during COVID
The Sportsmanship Award is presented to an individual in the Georgian Bay Zone who demonstrates respect, caring, fairness, selflessness, honest and integrity at all times. Must be 2012 THJA member to vote however, all individuals who help and participate in the zone may be nominated.
2021 Winner: Nicole Langman
Awarded to the horse with the highest number of points in any one or two divisions.
2021 Winner: Orion GS
Advertising Rates for 2022 Banquet
A - Silent Auction Prize Sponsor
Donates a silent auction item to the GBZ banquet. Can be a physical item or gift certificate. If total prize value is over $100 program mention will be upgraded to a business card ad
Sponsor receives:
- Listed in banquet program as sponsor or business card ad in banquet program
- Listed on GBZ Facebook / Instagram
B - Equitation Sponsor $TBD
Sponsors an equitation class at the year-end banquet.
Sponsor receives:
- Quarter page ad in banquet program
- Advertisement on GBZ social media channels
- Sponsor’s name mentioned when award is given out (sponsor is welcome to give out award as well)
C - Division Sponsor $TBD
Sponsors a division at the year-end banquet.
Sponsor receives:
- Half page ad in banquet program
- Advertisement on GBZ social media channels
- Sponsor’s name mentioned when award is given out (sponsor is welcome to give out award as well)